Assyrian Cockroaches Apothecary Label


Assyrian Cockroaches Apothecary Label Sticker

Available sizes (for exact size of each sticker, please refer to the chart below):

Label Small Medium Large Extra Large
Width, inches 1.53″ 2.27″ 3.04″ 4.54″
Height, inches 1.86″ 2.77″ 3.71″ 5.55″


SKU: N/A Categories: , Tag:


While there are 4500+ species of cockroaches in the world, none of them are Assyrian. We just thought that sounded more militant, and therefore more suitable for a Halloween apothecary label. I bet you could have gone your whole life without knowing there are nearly 5,000 species of cockroach, huh? You’re welcome. If it makes you feel any better, only about 30 species are associated with human habitats and considered pests. Still not helping? Sorry.

I have the fortune (good or bad, you decide) of living in Texas, where cockroaches are basically a daily occurrence. While they won’t sting or bite you, they move uncannily fast for such a large bug. They can squeeze through impossibly small spaces, and horror of horrors, they can fly! I distinctly remember cleaning out the garage one evening and hearing a sound like a miniature helicopter. Looking around, I saw what I thought was a very large moth. Imagine my revulsion when I realized it was a cockroach!

Cockroaches are used in various countries around the world as food (be really sure you know what you’re ordering when eating abroad, just saying) and for medicinal purposes. Apparently in China they are fried, ground, and prescribed as treatment for stomach, liver, and heart diseases. I guess if that won’t kill you, it has to make you stronger.

I’m not sure how you could make a cockroach worse than it already inherently is, but I imagine Assyrian cockroaches would somehow manage it. They are therefore perfect for a Halloween apothecary! This label would fit right in a hedge witch apothecary, or any apothecary with lots of creepy crawlies. Definitely not for the faint of heart!

White and clear label options available, both with the same high standard of print quality. Ideal for all your indoor apothecary displays. Water-resistant and outdoor apothecary label stickers coming soon!

Available types:

  • White border, opaque label (for a classic sticker look)
  • Clear border, translucent label (the border is almost invisible, and the label is slightly see-through)

Repositionable: Yes (but the tackiness will be reduced with each repositioning)

Waterproof: No

Care: Clean with a dry cloth and wipe gently from the center outward.


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