Butterflies Apothecary Label


Butterflies Apothecary Label Sticker

Available sizes (for exact size of each sticker, please refer to the chart below):

Label Small Medium Large Extra Large
Width, inches 1.86″ 2.77″ 3.71″ 5.55″
Height, inches 1.27″ 1.90″ 2.54″ 3.79″


SKU: N/A Categories: , Tag:


Everyone knows butterflies are beautiful, and most people know about the important role they play as pollinators, but did you know they actually have a rich history in mythology and folklore? In many cultures around the world, butterflies have special meaning and symbolism.

For example, in Ancient Greece and Rome, as well as in Irish folklore, the butterfly is representative of the human soul. In Ireland, killing white butterflies is bad luck because they are said to contain the souls of dead children. Butterflies are said to pass between this world and the next.

This ties in with Native American folklore, where some tribes believed that wishes or prayers whispered to a captured butterfly would be carried to the Great Spirit if you released the butterfly unharmed.

The Zuni people believed that the first butterfly spotted in spring was an indicator of the summer weather to come- yellow butterflies indicated sunshine, white predicted clear or fair weather, and dark butterflies foretold of a stormy season ahead.

In Russian folklore, butterflies are sometimes really witches in disguise. In fact, the Russian word for butterfly is “babochka”, which is a diminutive form of “old woman”, kind of like calling someone a granny.

In the Appalachian mountains of the Eastern United States, local lore states that if you can count the number of spots on a fritillary butterfly’s wing, that will tell you how much money you have coming.

Not all Halloween apothecary bottles have to be Eye of Newt and Wing of Bat- butterfly wings and pieces might be used to harness the souls of the dead to bring power to a spell, or cast a weather charm, or produce spells for increased wealth. If you like themed apothecary cabinets, this apothecary label fits in well with a hedge witch apothecary cabinet, or a woodland apothecary, alongside things like toadstools and moss.

These apothecary label stickers are easy to apply and look like authentic, vintage labels. We also have water-resistant and outdoor apothecary labels coming soon!

Available types:

  • White border, opaque label (for a classic sticker look)
  • Clear border, translucent label (the border is almost invisible, and the label is slightly see-through)

Repositionable: Yes (but the tackiness will be reduced with each repositioning)

Waterproof: No

Care: Clean with a dry cloth and wipe gently from the center outward.


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